Sunday, March 2, 2008

TRUTH IN ADVERTISING REVISITED (& questioned yet again)

To wit:
a recent example (above) and it's"target"
(click button below to see)

As you can plainly see from following the above 'link' button, there is clearly no reasonable correlation between the highly seductive (and yes, admittedly, incomprehensible) 'bait' image above and the actual products to be ordered.

And yet, in the modern world of commerce, similar stratagems are foisted upon us incessantly, wasting our precious time, overloading our already overtaxed ability to cope with an ever-burgeoning onslaught of "come-ons", scurrilous pitches for meta-doodads and pseudo-necessities, and an endless spate of snake-oil and sacrilege.

Don't you think? Or don't you? Inquiring mimes wanna know....
(this important message has been provided & funded by the Ecclesiastical Absurdities Foundation for your protection. If you'd like to help us continue our importantly ridiculous work, consider sending us a large cash donation to further fuel our quest for abject luicrosity. Thank you and may Dog speed).

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