Thursday, March 13, 2008

Meanderthalism may be just the tip of the iceberg...

Yup; apparently so.

In a recent post to this blog, I cited an excerpt of a conversation in which I tried to explain what I refer to as my "Meanderthal-ish" traits.

And now, according to a just-published article, "Mess For Success" (,,155,00.html)

by writer Debra Wierenga on Jugglezine), "meanderthalism" is at least one of the components of how creative productivity can often be fueled by a certain amount of "non-linearity" or, what some might refer to as disorder or even dysfunction.

Ahh, sweet vindication at last...
"Amen", I say to thee, brethren. (And thanks, Debra).

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure" - Telpo Lendolotoproj

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