(an excerpt from Admiral Pluto Krozabeeep's 2002 "State of the Kosmos" address...)
"All we really have, when it comes right down to it, is our integrity, our compassion, and our capacity to love each other. While we're continually presented with many tempting teachings, numerous poignant lessons, buckets n'barrels of cataclysmic calls for change, and the lure of many fragrant paths to help us understand this, it's something we already know internally and wholly instinctually. Reallynoshitreally.
Our ability to grasp any of this intellectually is secondary at best, in fact almost superficial or, in any case, beside the point . Sometimes, some of us ask angels to sweep down to our sides to assist the process... sometimes we pray... Or we begin yet another spiritual vision-quest-rodeo-doodah fest... An' sometimes, we just throw up our hands and go "huh?".
In any event, we're really just asking ourselves to do what is needed. Yet, somehow, by externally morphing these manifestations into various sundry hoodoo-holographic quasi-deified pantheistic polyglots o' exogenarian ectoplasmicplastic divinelight fat-free party favors, we feel the comfort of aid and can accept it because we asked for it and it arrived. And, yeah, often even, the help really does come.
Yet if we were to believe this was actually coming from within ourselves, we'd likely be unable to accept its veracity nor would we have the wherewithal to ask for it in the first place. As Boris Badenov used t'say, just a nanosecond before the sphericaloid black bomb he was holding in his hand always blew up in his face: "HOOO - BOYYY!!!"
And then there's this; just as we must be self-responsible for all that transpires in our lives, the good and the bad, we must also remain mindful that others may not always be doing the same at the same time we are. We're not all of us always on the same page at the same time, y'know. So be it I guess. "HOOO - BOYYY!!!" Again (and indeed!) And, for that matter, "So what?" we might say again.
Okay, since ya's asked, I'll tellyas what... we still gotta do it anyway. Acceptin' resonsibility fer our own stuff is in our job description as practicin' human beans. It's how we grow; the means by which we transcend the challenges that always present themselves and by which we try our resolve to live better in the first place. It ain't rocket science. It ain't quantum physics (Oops... actually it is quantum physics, now that I think about it!!). Be that as it may, our toolboxes already got what we need in 'em, but, as we know only too well, sometimes our tools get scattered, misplaced, or sometimes left out in the rain t'rust. It might be good to remember that now n'again.
Anyway, before ya think old Krozabeeep's goin' soft in his senile dementia, oh, heck, never mind...maybe I am. Or not! Guess I'll haveta leave ya's guessin' on THAT one. For now, anyway. Stay tuned n'pruned fer my next outburst t'see..."
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