I meen really now.... Every time I hear "I'm John McCain and I approved this message." I want to fucking scream. Okay, I admit I can be somewhat naive at times. But I do "get" how the "spin" game is played. I also recognize that Mr. McCain employs disciples of metamonster Karl Rove to design his campaign and we've seen plenty of that kind of shameful (But highly effective!) "spin" in the service of the Bush-Boy campaigns (need I remind any of us where THAT has gotten us??).
But every fucking McCain campaign commercial I've seen or heard in the last couple weeks is far worse than mere creative manipulation of facts or wildly-whirled factoids.... Every single one is comprised almost completely of out-and-out bald-faced LIES.
And yet, here's Johnboy McCain, Mister "Hero" smirkily stating that he "approves it"; that all of those lies are just motherfucking okeydoke fine an' goddamdandy by him. All the while smugly assuming that enough of us will buy it at face value and just give him our vote. And the kicker is, that he's probably right; many will do just that!
I'm not going to recap any of those lies for you here. We both have better things to do with our time. But, if you have even a smidgin of doubt about what I'm saying here then please do us all a favor and listen to the next McCain commercial you hear; doesn't matter which one. Pluck any two or three statements he makes about his opponent Mr. Obama. Then, spend 3 or 4 minutes online and check 'em out for accuracy/veracity.

Isn't it already bad enough that he's put us at risk of having the absurd and dangerous Ms. Palin become president at a moment's notice (a sufficiently irresponsible and contemptuous act in it's own right)? And now we're being asked to elect as our next president, a proven and guiltless liar (let alone an avowed Bush bootlicker who wouldn't understand the meaning of actual change if it bit him in his sorry, saggy ass).
Enough is enough. Make sure that everyone you know also knows what this sociopath is up to. It's up to us. Remember, we already know that half the country is gullible enough, lazy enough and ignorant enough to simply believe him.
And then, even if we do succeed in keeping him out of the White House, let's not let the ball drop there. We need to follow up and see that he stands trial for reckless slander and perjury and does hard time for it too. Oh wait...that can't happen, now can it? Perjury charges are for lying under oath and, in order to nail him for slander, someone would have to sue him... So, are we to just let him get away with this? Do we really want to be subjected to his whims and lies after he's under the BIG oath..the oath of the Presidency??
I hope not.
Regardless of what one may think of Mr. Obama, we really don't have a choice here folks. If ANYTHING is to ever change even an iota or two, it's going to require at the very least, a Democratic Congress AND president working in tandem.
If the past two weeks' financial meltdown haven't shown us what kind of leadership we've been suffering under, if the travesty of our trillion dollar "OOPS" war hasn't given us a clue, if we "get" that we cannot continue on this sort of path then please.....
Let's not fuck this up

I'm Magilla Gorilla and I approve this message - Just say "NO!" to McNocchio and his lies.... (paid for by people who don't wanna go to hell inna tugboat)
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