are we finally clear on this???
most of the comments I read on election blog posts read like just another partisan slugfest.
There's a week to go-so let's clear the air folks, okay? This ain't rocket science.
Gov. Palin has adequately demonstrated two things: 1 she's in no way qualified to lead this country should that become necessary. 2. She (like most of us, I might add) has her own interests as her priority.
As for Senator McCain, have a look at this first:
Okay. So much for part one of the equation. But, in addition to all of THAT, Senator McCain has now demonstrated that he is no longer the McCain we thought he was these many years.
In his present form, he is clearly not fit to lead our country (and, by his own admission of the 'things' he's not well-versed in!). His campaign reached new lows in trading in outright lies and hate. Electing the man who can say "I'm John McCain and I approve these lies and tactics" would clearly be a tragic error. How on Earth could we ever expect him to tell US the truth? Or act in our best interests?
Merely saying all campaigns are dirty in order to rationalize such abhorrent behaviour and lack of integrity will NOT cut it this time. It's gone too far and, there's too much at stake.
As such, sad as that may be to some, we only have one sane/safe choice. And Senator McCain himself has already made that choice for us with his childish behaviour and sordid campaign.
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