Well, I have anyway. I'm goddamned tired of being spoon-fed bullshit. Let's just face the facts - BP, the government nor anyone else apparently has a reasonable idea of how to stop the torrential leak of crude into the gulf. Let's be clear - they never did. Not when they got approval for this operation, not when they built it, not when they started drilling and certainly the fuck not now.
This fucking ridiculous "step-by-step" pseudo solution is utter and wholly unmitigated bullshit. And now today after the latest catchily named fake solution, they're prepping us for the fact that we'll have to let it leak until August. Yeah. right. And then in August, just what the fuck do you think they'll be telling us then??? Dare we even contemplate that?
C'mon folks; are we now ready to throw in the towel and just live with it? Or, possibly worse, are we just feeling so fucked we can no longer even deal with it on any productive level? Should we ever again believe any of these fucking assholes that drilling in the ocean is "basically safe" and should be continued? Are we gonna turn our backs on it in a couple more weeks when it's become "old news"? (btw, I'll bet "yes" on this last one).
More importantly, will anyone actually do anything to assure this cannot happen again? (this is an obvious and resounding "NO. HELL NO").
Let us at least remain cognizant that we are being "fed" the bad news a bit and a bite at a time so that by the time the full impact and ultimate failure are "disclosed" to us, we won't really care all that much or, at very least, one heck of a lot less than we do right now.
This is a brilliant scheme to assure our acquiescence. Are we gonna fall for it?
Let's just say it now.... we're fucked. and while we're at it, let's admit that we're okay with being manipulated this way.
One final thought... BP says they've it's cost them almost a billion bucks so far. Get real people; not nly are we letting them get away with this... we'll also pay whatever the costs end up being ourselves, out of our own pockets at the gas pump. Ultimately, it won't cost BP's stockholders a fuckin' dime.
Harrumph. Harrumph I say to thee.....