Ja, boolaboola. Ep -so, boyomonkees, atsa some godamma kin'a pictch' you senname!
Remin' me o'when I eated some bad acid and foun' little sembaglembas runnin' all over Amber Manor with sharpened spooons and a wicked Gleem in they eyeteeths, ai-ai-ai. Remember? n' then they went an' painted little Jeezis' with really big ears all over the kitchen baseboards and then throwed crustyboogers (mine, not theirs) at 'em and would sing that creeepy little 'miko-miko-jojo-piko' song real loud whenever one of 'em managed to hit the jesus target - boy, I tellayou, that was a night to forget. Yet today, I still think'a they was related to Angelo.
Shemp-Fufu came over last night and tried to give me some o'his new plankton sausages butt I tol' him I only have eyes for a little wheel and saw that as no cause for sausitches. I think he was reallyreally PO'd but, he mighta been drinking - hard to tell these days with him. Anyway, he aska me "Whatzzamatta you, Blondee- are you ignorant or just apathetic??". well I tol' him! I said: "I don't know and I don't care."
Boyjesus, that REALLY setted him off on this long screedscreech that sounded to me an awful lot like that goofyshit Plato used to scrivvel about. No wonder Aristoddle peed on Plado's grave while Playdough's widow sang sarcastacanasta dirges in the outhouse the whole resta the afternoon and never got her tea and shake-n-bake-saganaki break whitchcourse made her even grouchier.
Butt I digress. Which is prolly okay cuz otherwise you'd hafta listenin' to me wheezin' on about what I foun' yes'day in Borleena's room while I was hosin' out the jubberytub receptacle. I bedder save that story though for some other time cuz, well, you just never know, it could be your lunchtime or somethin'.
Okay so yeah. I gotzabetterhafta hit the deck an' finish sprucin' up the jingleblaster machine before Mr. Quallornagazo comes home an' catches me loafin' again. I only get t'use the gaddam compooter when he's at the club. I sure hope he gets that promotion he wants so they'll send him away to Lembo-lembo. He'll really kindalike it there and, at that point then, I'll only hafta put up with Suzilou and her tribe o'rabidrampant wildebeests - And Sanduccia usually manages to keep them all preddywell occupie-eyed with him practicin' his occupuncture on 'em allafuggintime.
I know it's far from a perfect solution but in times like this, is did, is do.
Say hi to Tweelobarbra and Scruffy for me. Tell 'em I miss 'em both butt not really all that much; they'll like that.
Sander McDanderphilander
(purported heir to the prone)
1 comment:
FUCK YOU! just fuck you, Telpo. I've haddaboutagoddamnuff of you writin' this kinda bullshit. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't come over there and kick your ass twice. I mean it. No more; I'm warning you.
Fuck you.
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