"Senator John McCain spent the summer arguing that a 40-something candidate with four years in major office and no significant foreign policy experience was not ready to be president.
And then on Friday he picked as his running mate a 40-something candidate with two years in major office and no significant foreign policy experience."
Really? Duh, no shit, Sherlock. Okay, it's a clever enough opener for his less-than-astute "analysis" and certainly a true enough observation. And it's surely no surprise to any of us that po-mo lives on blindly and blissfully in the self-important narcissistic realm of journalism.(oops, better not follow THAT particular tangent here.. not to worry though; I'll post one of my famous screedrants on that dodgy topic in a separate post to this blog soon enough...).
Anyway, we should hardly be surprised by such an obviously contrived maneuver from Senator McCain; it just seems to be more of his classically narcoleptic lack of both style and sensibility. As he sleepwalks through the remaining weeks of the campaign he will, time and again, stumble into a semi-awake state and suddenly blurt out his latest 'brainstorm', I'm sure we can expect to see plenty more of this scurrilous neo-logic before election day.
As I pointed out in a previous post on this blog, his own party doesn't even like him. And as most sensible people recognize, if he gets elected we're in for only more of the same "contempt for the electorate" as we've had in the last eight years and, the ever-worsening cumulative effects thereof.
But let's not kid ourselves, folks. We might see the transparency of such maneuvers in the here and now. We might even find such a miscalculated yet desperate attempt at half-assed pandering to an ignorant electorate be mildly amusing. Okay, let's have our chuckle and then move on; and we'd best put some hustle in our step while we're at it.
Because, we've had eight long and ugly years of of travesty, tragedy and heartbreak, and, nearly equally on all fronts too. we can't afford any more and we're already damned to a long and painful struggle to recapture any bits and chunks of what's always made this country both a great place to be and, respected by the rest of the world.
Let's make this brief. We cannot let down our guard and allow another series of errors and missteps to allow such a shortsighted and dangerous man to take over the helm. None of us can afford it and we sure the hell won't survive it.
Many of you who'll read this might say to me "No shit, Sherlock". Let's not forget though, that obvious as this all might seem, there is still somewhere damn near half of the electorate who might actually be a) stupid enough, b) paranoid enough, c) racist or bigoted enough, d) psychotically sadistic enough to actually cast their vote for this guy.
we might also be thinking "Yeah, but unlike last time, we have a viable candidate in Mr. Obama; we needn't be concerned; McCain can't possibly win".
Don't you believe it for a second....
(if we do screw this up and McCain does somehow get elected, at the very least, we'd all damn well better have our passports up to snuff...and I'll seeya's at the airport...)