(Barack "Moe"bama, "Curley" McCain & Hil"Larry" Clinton in a
rare public appearance together this week)
(illustration courtesy of David Dees. see http://deesillustration.com/).
Okay, here's the deal, folks. I'm askeered. If we take into account the levels of ludicrosity, rancor and absurdity we've seen so far (and it is only April after all), imagine if you dare where things are headed from here.
Yup. The phrase "To Hell inna tugboat" may barely cover it.
It should be obvious that there's no way we can possibly elect "Curley" McCain. Aside from the fact that even his own party doesn't like or trust him, he's made it clear that continuing to spend gazillions in Iraq is okeydoke. Besides, we just simply cannot and will not abide another Republican in the White House at this time.
As for Ms. Hil-"Larry" Clinton, I dunno. Early on, I had her pegged for the "Great White Hope" (and yes, before anyone gets any ideas, the "racial" pun IS intended). In recent months she's compromised her positions on various whatevers, her campaigners have played some dirty pool, and she's no longer demonstrating her genuine intelligence. I admit I was infatuated primarily with the notion of finally having a woman for president but, for a significant chunk of time, I also believed she had the grace and poise AND intelligence to present us with an irresistible no-brainer type of choice; I believed she could fit the bill. Yes, she's still intelligent. But we need more; we require strong vision coupled with strong leadership AND absolute integrity. In recent weeks her marks are slipping and her slips are showing
That brings us to Barack "Moe"bama. Basically I like the guy or at least want to. He too is obviously highly intelligent. So far, his integrity remains reasonably intact (though, there are a number of months before we'll see how well that holds up). We like his apparently genuine passion and we all resonate with a call for significant change. Before we can embrace that concept though, we're going to need to know quite a bit more about what the specifics of that sweeping wave of change actually promise. And then, we'll still need to determine what it can actually manifest. Still a tough call as I see it.
So.... "where the heck DOES that all lead us then?? " we might ask.
And I might answer "at the present moment, damned if I know, Buckaroos!"
Guess we'll have to wait it out a few weeks or so and then revisit this when (or IF) the time comes when we can better discern what the kids have been up to 'twixt now and then. Stay Tuna-ed - itza gonna be an interesting (and likely plenty smelly) kettle of fish.
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